Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Might our benedictions Speedily win reply,
Early would they crown ye All with victory.
Norfolk, Va., October 8, 1861.
By Dr. John W. Paine, Lexington, Va., June 30, 1862.
Air—" Gathering of the Clans."
Rise, rise, mountain and valley men,
Bald sire and beardless son, each come in order, True loyal patriots, muster and rally, men;
Drive the invader clear over the border; Down from the mountain steep, up from the valley deep,
Come from the city, the town, and the village, Let every loyal heart in the strife take a part,
Rescue our country from rapine and pillage. Rise, rise, etc.
Men of the valley, descendants of heroes—
Heroes whom Washington honored and trusted— Heirs of the fame and the hills of your fathers,
Men who have never been daunted or worsted ; Long, like all true men, we cherished the Union,
Long did we strive for our country's salvation; Now when our very existence is threatened,
Rush to the rescue without hesitation. Rise, rise, etc.